Case studies How much of Aviation Gin's R10 billion sales price was as a direct result of Ryan Reynolds' deft touch? Is Aviation that good a gin, or is Ryan Reynolds that good an actor?
Case studies How successfully are South African businesses innovating? How well have South African businesses innovated up to this point and where are the opportunities in the future?
Case studies How Birkenstocks became cool All too often, brand managers are too overly keen to jump into bed with just about anyone.
Case studies McDonald's and the Happy Meal Senior McDonald's in Sweden have created a Happy Meal for the elderly stuck in quarantine.
Case studies This is how consumers will choose brands in the future Currently, trust is second only to price when it comes to whether or not to support a brand.
Case studies Sales: How to nurture the lifeblood of business Lots of companies value attributes that do not necessarily include sales.
Case studies What is a futurist? What is a futurist? What is this strange profession that dabbles in the future?
Case studies How exciting new thinking gets killed by those who just want to do what they did before Why change when you can keep the status quo?
Case studies The greatest power you have to give As a futurist, my job is to offer the executives that I work with various, well-considered choices as to how the future may unfold.
Case studies How the ugliest shoe in the world made a financial comeback At one point CROCS had over 5000 SKU's. Then it nearly went bankrupt.
Case studies Local manufacturer demonstrates how collaborative innovation can be a huge advantage It's easy to carry on thinking that there simply isn't the capacity or willpower to develop a more robust local manufacturing sector.
Case studies The truth is essential In a time of crisis, quality news and accurate reporting are essential.
Case studies Women lead nations through pandemics better An interesting trend is emerging as researchers consider what type of leadership style best prevails when it comes to leading a nation through a health crisis.
Case studies The future of publishing according to Tyler Brûlé In this keynote presentation to the Distripress Forum in 2018, Tyler Brûlé gives away just a bit of his brand thinking for Monocle magazine.
Case studies How to fail your way to success Culturally there is still a lot of shame attached to not knowing the answer to something.
Case studies Beats by Dre could only have been created in the USA Beats by Dre headphones are pitched as 'sneakers for your head', the brand is the love child of Jimmy Iovine and Apple.
Case studies The Next Generation Foresight Awards 2020 - enter your project before 31 May 2020 I have been asked to help judge this year's Next Generation Foresight Awards.
Case studies South African innovation, BUSQR, is the world’s first live donations platform Audiences may have moved online, but the ability to pay for live performances hasn't.
Case studies South African business winners in the new coronavirus economy Could this emergency be the big catalyst needed to finally really boost the utility value of e-commerce in South Africa?
Case studies How to get children to wash their hands more often I think the idea of putting small toys inside of a bar of soap to incentivise us all to be more hands on with our bars of soap is a great idea.
Case studies Big tech just showed how to weather a PR disaster Techlash is a term used to describe the growing unease regarding the unregulated, exponential power of big tech companies.
Case studies Heads up - here comes OKJA oat m*lk We're excited to see that well-known, Capetonian brand-builder, Rui Esteves [from Brewers & Union] fame, has come out with OKJA Oat M*lk
Case studies Does the quality of your future depend on how long you spend thinking about it? Businesses that commit to the futures process tend to hit the stretch targets that they set for themselves.
Case studies Companies that have adopted a 4-day workweek record much better levels of productivity The length of time anything takes to finish is completely dependant on how much time you give it. In fact, if you offer too much time you will most likely get nothing done at all.
Case studies How a little-known Swedish milk-alternative brand went ballistic in the USA Oatly is milk made from oats, and ticked along nicely for about two decades in Sweden.