Articles The state of the marketing profession in South Africa 2021 "The business enterprise has two--and only two--basic functions: marketing and innovation." - Drucker
Articles Primary imagining needed We need new, original memories of the futures that we want to create.
Articles What Japan can teach us about creating a future-fit business How are Japanese businesses structured differently which allows them to successfully survive economic downturns?
Tools Welcome to 'the new normal' 'The new normal' is that we need to accept and adopt wholeheartedly into our thinking some indisputable facts – here are 4 of them.
Articles Ehsanophobia is the next serious condition to hit the world Modern economics relies heavily on optimism.
Tools What advice would your 80-year old self give? What does your 80-year old self think about what you are about to choose now?
Horizon scanning The security of Southern Africa is at serious risk There is a motivated and capable enemy practically camping out on our doorstep.
Podcasts This week on CapeTalk - Nando's, the future of advertising and how successful was Black Friday? In conversation with Kieno Kammies.
Articles Eskort refreshes its image - looks to the future A legendary 103-year-old South African brand gets a makeover.
Articles How useful is your business strategy really? Most planning is done poorly - this is how to make it a bit better.
Articles South Africa loses US$3.4 billion every year due to tax evasion That's enough to pay the salaries of over 1 million public health nurses for a year.
Articles What's a better hire, an ad agency or a consultancy? There's a global turf war happening between advertising agencies and management consultants.
Articles Is Cape Town the best city in South Africa to start a tech business? Google invests a whopping R2.2-billion into the Western Cape economy.
Articles Growing calls for a great global economic reset But the head of the World Economic Forum lacks the credibility to sell it.
Podcasts This week on the CapeTalk Ad Feature Should corporate South Africa be doing more to enable small business?
Tools Does your brand have a scent? Scent branding may be a good opportunity in a post-lockdown world.
Articles What are the odds that humankind is about to destroy itself? Are we as a species witnessing the end of days?
Horizon scanning How Trump has made China even stronger China has now taken on the title of defender and champion of globalisation thanks to Trump.