The Future of Work Creating the conditions under which people innovate Are there better alternatives to toxic work-like-hell cultures?
The Future of Work Is the future of work a case of more or less of it? Some would have you believe that work is getting scarcer while others are demanding that we do more of it. Which is it?
Should wildly successful South Africa innovators face regulation? Are pockets of radical innovation a bad thing for an economy?
Marketing strategy Checkers vs. Woolworths - in a race for market share How South Africa's biggest supermarkets are positioning themselves to win.
Articles Opportunities from the Dark Side Finding opportunity to innovate is easy, just target things normally sold by bureaucracies.
Articles His name should be 'Eno'-vation Brands (even personal brands) that innovate become associated with innovation. Innovative people want to work with other innovative people.
Articles A Rant Laced with Optimism The absence of something that should exist is always an opportunity.
Articles Gangsterism eats strategy for breakfast This post is a warning against nefarious individuals.
Articles Trivialities eat strategy for breakfast We, humans, really are irrational creatures and our worst enemy is ourselves.
Articles Why strategy requires brutal prioritisation Good prioritisation is very very (and another very) difficult.
Articles When and where is innovation possible? The company Zeiss is now almost 200 years old, but still on the forefront of global innovation.
The New World of Technology AI is bullshit What is being sold to us all is bullshit and bullshit is now coming at us from more angles.