The New World of Technology Should we regulate innovation? Are there cases where innovation should be curbed to ensure fair competition?
Horizon scanning Our August issue of The Briefing has just dropped Out now: Our August edition of insights useful for constructing strategy.
The New World of Business How to use change to win Jon Cherry will be speaking about this topic at the Annual National Conference 2024 hosted by the Institute of Internal Auditors South Africa (IIA SA) in Sandton on the 13th of August.
Marketing strategy Checkers vs. Woolworths - in a race for market share How South Africa's biggest supermarkets are positioning themselves to win.
Marketing strategy Marketing as a specialised function is a fallacy Without an increasing number of customers under your active curation, your business is dead. This is not the responsibility of a single department.
Brand strategy A quick look at the Porsche 2030 strategy Porsche's dreamy aspiration for the future looks like a winner.
The Future of Work How to have good ideas What are the steps needed to come up with a single good idea?
Business strategy What would a socially cohesive South Africa look like and to what degree is it attainable by 2030? For strategy to be useful, it needs to be affective.
Articles Opportunities from the Dark Side Finding opportunity to innovate is easy, just target things normally sold by bureaucracies.
Articles His name should be 'Eno'-vation Brands (even personal brands) that innovate become associated with innovation. Innovative people want to work with other innovative people.
The New World of Business What's happened to Nike? The problem is boredom. Nike have sadly become really dull.
Articles A Rant Laced with Optimism The absence of something that should exist is always an opportunity.
Articles Gangsterism eats strategy for breakfast This post is a warning against nefarious individuals.
Brand strategy How did Abercrombie & Fitch make a comeback? For brands that are able to think for themselves, there is ample opportunity to serve customers that would truly appreciate the attention.
Articles Trivialities eat strategy for breakfast We, humans, really are irrational creatures and our worst enemy is ourselves.
Articles Why strategy requires brutal prioritisation Good prioritisation is very very (and another very) difficult.
Business strategy Spotting bad strategy When it comes to strategy - the quality of the work is all that matters.