The New World of Business NYC opens the city up to small scale manufacturing How NYC is choosing to unlock growth.
The New World of Business How do you know that you have made a strategic choice? Here's a simple test to find out.
The New World of Business Glimmers of hope How micro-moments of safety can inspire people to create a better future.
The Future of Work Creating the conditions under which people innovate Are there better alternatives to toxic work-like-hell cultures?
The Future of Work How to disrupt an industry If you want to attract the talent to shake up an industry; offer creative people what they want most of all.
The Future of Work Is the future of work a case of more or less of it? Some would have you believe that work is getting scarcer while others are demanding that we do more of it. Which is it?
The New World of Business Understanding the South African economic market trends 2024 Where do the opportunities for South African SMEs lie?
The Future of Marketing and Branding Something is getting worse in the brand world Words cost a lot for a company to maintain. Choose yours carefully.
The New World of Business How LA28 is keeping the Olympic vibe going How the IOC sells the future should be an important case study for all innovators.
The New World of Technology Google is illegally holding a monopoly, what opportunity does this present DuckDuckGO? The judgment signals a significant change in the big tech domain.
Should wildly successful South Africa innovators face regulation? Are pockets of radical innovation a bad thing for an economy?
The Future of Marketing and Branding Flavor Flav as the US Women's Waterpolo team hype man Why rappers at the Olympics is a great idea.
The New World of Technology Should we regulate innovation? Are there cases where innovation should be curbed to ensure fair competition?
Horizon scanning Our August issue of The Briefing has just dropped Out now: Our August edition of insights useful for constructing strategy.
The New World of Business How to use change to win Jon Cherry will be speaking about this topic at the Annual National Conference 2024 hosted by the Institute of Internal Auditors South Africa (IIA SA) in Sandton on the 13th of August.
Marketing strategy Checkers vs. Woolworths - in a race for market share How South Africa's biggest supermarkets are positioning themselves to win.
Marketing strategy Marketing as a specialised function is a fallacy Without an increasing number of customers under your active curation, your business is dead. This is not the responsibility of a single department.
Brand strategy A quick look at the Porsche 2030 strategy Porsche's dreamy aspiration for the future looks like a winner.