Case studies How Supreme became Supreme On a recent trip to Japan, the one theme that kept on reappearing and making our attention and interest spike more than usual - was the pervasiveness of Supreme.
Case studies Intrapreneurial guidelines courtesy of Lego's innovation team How do Lego welcome and nurture intrapreneurial ideas within the walls of a giant global organisation?
Case studies Why companies with diverse leadership are more innovative Why is it that South African companies tend to struggle so much with innovation? One very plausible reason is a real lack of diversity. Here's the evidence to prove it.
Case studies The 5 biggest regrets people have on their deathbed all come down to one common challenge in life Why, when designing the future that you want as a business or as an individual, asking the right questions is far more important that apparently having all the answers.
Case studies Featured The future of crime in the year 2054 How will technology develop from now until then, how will business react, in what ways will that affect society - and how will politicians then try to put the flames out with their policies and regulations?
Case studies Featured Design fiction: The business value of designing imaginative new worlds Over the years we have prided ourselves on having produced numerous great examples of ‘futures world building’ for innovative clients like BAT, Dimension Data, UCT’s Graduate School of Business, Santam and Woolworths.
Case studies #makethefuture – Shell’s scenario planning video goes viral Shell’s 2016 #makethefuture video contribution, entitled The Best Day of My Life, is going viral.