RIP Edward de Bono
De Bono’s revolution began in 1967 with his book The Use of Lateral Thinking. I
The 'Father of Creative Thinking', Edward de Bono, has passed away at the age of 88.
De Bono wrote over 60 books, which included The Mechanism of Mind (1969), Six Thinking Hats (1985), How to Have A Beautiful Mind (2004) and Think! Before It’s Too Late (2009), on the art and science of lateral thinking.
There were those that had their issues with De Bono's work, but he was indeed a pioneer in the recording and analysis of the process of creative thinking.
He firmly believed in the power of imagination as a business tool; creating useful ways to explore the unknown through his techniques of systems thinking.
We still use many of his techniques in our workshops today, which are incredibly useful in 'suspending the default thinking patterns' in participants and unlocking alternative paradigms of thinking.
RIP Edward de Bono.