The art of resistance
The protests in Hong Kong continue - and as the resistance evolves it is morphing itself into new themes of protest art.
The protests in Hong Kong continue - and as the resistance evolves, it is morphing itself into new themes of protest art.

One of those interesting themes is how women in Hong Kong are defining their role as activists.
As the saying goes; 'A woman's place is in the resistance' - and protesters are taking that stance to heart.

'In recent months, many have watched in awe as a new type of Kong Girl emerged out of this year’s protests, as women lobbed back tear gas grenades, built heavy-duty barricades, and stood in the frontlines to face an arsenal of increasingly powerful police weapons such as rubber bullets and bean-bag rounds.' -via

Strong ideology manifests as art and is a powerful catalyst for change.

'Jane Chan, a lecturer at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University who has studied the Kong Girl phenomenon, and has students who have taken part in the protests, said that the high participation of women in the protests is because many simply believe they are entitled to the same opportunities as men when it comes to standing up for their beliefs.
“They wear make-up under their masks. They’re young and want to look pretty. But they still want to do something for Hong Kong.”'
See the rest of the thread here.