Nike isn't for everyone

How well do you align with a psychopath?

When we first saw this ad, we honestly thought it was a joke created by some psycho weirdo with access to AI.

Having spent so many years admiring the aspirational positioning that the Nike brand have always taken, watching this can only really be described as jarring.

If you close one half of your brain and squint ever-so-slightly you can kinda see what they were trying to get across here, but for so many... it didn't land well.

It puts beyond doubt that Nike have misaligned themselves with where the world is heading. There is an abundant oversupply of brash, egocentric bravado. Selling this so blatantly is not selling the fantasy that was once promised. Nike have turned towards selling reality rather than dreams...and for most of us, our reality closet is pretty damn full.

Clearly the true marketing folk over at Nike have left the building and the McKinsey people have finally taken over. That's fine - and maybe it just confirms that Nike now is not for everyone. Some will enjoy the fire and be inspired to take everything for themselves, while others will be put off. Perhaps the good thing here is that you are compelled to love or hate.

What's clear from listening to some of the opinions expressed about this ad - is that the issue here is not a simple black or white discussion (if only life could be oversimplified like this). Competition is great (we love strategy and outperformance so why wouldn't we love the concept of competing) - psychosis not so much. Both sit on the same continuum, but there's a fine line that only a brand with true empathy would know that it has subtly crossed. Competitiveness minus empathy is antisocial behaviour, which is detrimental to the long-term social good of all. In the past we may have referred to this type of competitive attitude as stupidity.

Having made a commitment many years ago to actively avoid the pathological in our lives, we at least now know clearly where a future relationship with this brand stands.