Lalunga Seafoods offers sustainably-caught Cape wild fish
The future of the local fishing industry hangs in the balance.
Big commercial fishing methods have severely depleted fish and shellfish populations to the point of international concern, so understandably consumers of seafood products are increasingly looking for alternatives that are less harmful to the environment as well as the sustainability of fish stocks.

Spotting the opportunity to specifically market an alternative option, Cape Town-based and family-owned Lalunga Seafood specialises in cold-smoked, local fish that are exclusively caught one-at-time by hand-only.
No nets, no trawling and very limited environmental damage is their goal.
Obviously because so much care has been taken over which fish get caught and then smoked; the quality of the product is of a standard that is probably most at home in The New York Bar in the Park Hyatt in Tokyo, but it wouldn't be rude to also enjoy it on a Salticrax while watching the Stormers game on the telly sitting in your lounge in Edgemead.
Lalunga focuses their local offerings on Albacore tuna, Yellowfin tuna and Yellowtail and current sell their fish at the Oranjezicht City Farmers Market at Granger Bay, Sans Community Deli in Sea Point (in the Pick n Pay Centre) and Giovanni’s in Green Point.
The take-out