Being the underdog

Thinking of yourself as an underdog is a HUGE advantage.

Underdogs know that they need to try everything that they can just to make it to the start line.

They know that others are way better than them, and even though they may have a few skills in some areas, they need to constantly give 100% effort, 100% of the time.

Thinking of yourself as an underdog is a HUGE advantage.

It fires up a sense of urgency, it forces you to think more creatively and find whatever small advantage you might be able to use; it brings home the stark reality that the odds are seriously stacked against you.

When you expect failure and can feel the intense burn of your fear of it, you do whatever you can to stay in the game, which is the perfect breeding ground for innovation and creativity.

Transitioning from where you are, to where you would like to be, takes a considerable amount of effort and energy. Finding the right fuel to bridge that divide comes far easier to those under threat.

Being the underdog is underrated; embrace the title willingly.