Improving your relationship with money
There is an emerging specialisation in psychology that focuses on our emotional connection to money.
How you relate to money emotionally can be linked to how you were brought up and the attitudes that your parents had towards money.
Our complex relationship with money can also be the cause of a lot of pain in our lives; divorce, general fear and anxiety, and our attitudes towards money and finance can severely limit our potential as people.
Financial therapy
Now there is an emerging specialisation in psychology that focuses on our emotional connection to money and attempts to help people improve it.
Financial therapists use their training as psychologists to help clients untangle their relationship to money, specifically treating the emotional root of money stress, rather than the behaviour itself, as some existing methods do.
With the world's absolute obsession with money and considering just how much stress it creates for people, we find it a bit surprising that financial therapy is not more established as a recognised genre of psycho-analysis.
Research seems to indicate that outside of the US, financial therapy is still in its infancy.
How we relate to money and our subconscious mental models about money says a lot about how we see ourselves and our own self-worth; it makes a lot of sense to then choose to see somebody who is able to unpack and improve that relationship if needs be.