Foxtrot | Curated groceries
Is this what we can look forward to from 'the convenience store of the future'?
The biggest issue we have with grocery stores is how overwhelming their range of products and categories are.
Supermarkets are by design meant to offer convenience to everyone no matter what your personal preference might be. By the very nature of this 'solution' however, the individual customer is then not catered for.
The gap between 'supermarket' and 'deli' is HUGE.
Solving this issue (i.e. closing the gap) is an American supermarket chain called Foxtrot (whose name we have encountered a few times now from difference sources).
Unlike mass market supermarkets that serve everybody, Foxtrot is a supermarket chain for food lovers.

They offer only the best ingredients personally selected by the brand for their foodie customers. You won't find hand-line caught fish next to toilet cleaner in these supermarkets.
They source great products from local producers - making sure that it's always customer-first (i.e. not shareholder / executive team-first)
'In a world filled with more options than you actually need, Foxtrot gives you just what you want'.
Hell yeah! Clever strategy? Absolutely.
Too many options is a massive problem in the world these days; curator brands are becoming increasingly valuable and important as a result. Foxtrot is certainly one to watch.