Chasing the new shiny thing

The list of new things that you need to have to avoid the label of being 'stuck in the past' is endless.

There seems to be a growing pathological obsession with 'chasing the new shiny thing'.  

If it's new and bristling with technology then it's pretty much guaranteed that there will be somebody standing on a stage, barking instructions that if you're not "buying or selling NFTs (or turning your organisation into a DAO), you're a dinosaur and your business is going straight to hell" - as an example.

The list of new things that you need to have to avoid the label of being 'stuck in the past' is endless; DAO, blockchain technology, Web3.0, digital twins, NFTs...etc etc etc.

The truth is however, that unless these new tools and techniques can radically transform how you create and offer value to the people that you value, and the investment in exploring these new techniques can be logically mapped out as being of real benefit in the future - then all they are is noise and a distraction.

Don't fall in love with the new shiny thing and then go hunting for a problem that you hope it will solve; understand your problem deeply first and then go looking for the best possible solution.

There is no shortage of new stuff to read and learn and explore these days - what there is a shortage of is clarity and confidence and stillness to focus in on what it is that you are really trying to achieve, the stuff that really moves the needle (as they say).