Trevor Noah answers your questions about South Africa

Trevor Noah gets asked a lot of questions about South Africa and for the first time answers them seriously in a ad for South African Tourism.

If there is one thing that South Africa has a lot's great brand ambassadors.

Trevor Noah, Siya Kolisi, Charlize Theron, Tyla, Black Coffee, Caster Semenya - the list goes on and on.

So it makes perfect sense to leverage these voices to help the country be heard on the global tourism stage.

In so many ways, South Africa hasn't even begun to really play to its strengths when it comes to tourism. Even now, we would argue that the tourism product that we have is limited. Where are the family resorts like the have in Mauritius and the Seychelles? Where are the co-ordinated driving routes like you find in the US? Where is the serious focus by government on increasing flight allocations and promoting appropriate training for the sector?

Tourism is thriving despite these challenges. It's a sector that offers so much, but one that needs serious strategy and focus.

This new approach - we like it. More of it please.