This is not what we want

Activism and defiance against what is not wanted has a long and proud history. For those who feel that 'something needs to be done' - standing collectively against unwanted behaviour, or the current sorry state of reality, serves as a form of group catharsis from the unbearable pain brought about by baring witness to injustice.

However, standing strongly apposed to the unpleasant product of the functioning of a system does not enable the manifestation of a preferred alternative. In other words, rejecting what you don't want is not a good way of accessing what you do want.

Ideal futures are created intentionally, by firstly, establishing a clear vision of what it is that needs to be created. Time needs to be spend carefully constructing what the chosen future ought to be, before energy is spent in trying to then create it.

Waving banners in the streets in the hopes that powerful systems that created the problem will somehow change is wishful and largely pointless.

If life is not as you wish it to be, spend time and energy in imagining and creating what you do want - not focusing on what you don't.