The UK's most innovative coffee shops
The most innovative and creative coffee shops in the UK have been announced.
A survey done by Brita Professional ranked the UK's best coffee outlets for how well they serve the needs of their customers.
Make 2024 the year of outperformance
Jon Cherry is a strategic growth facilitator who works with organisations to build brands and ventures that deliver outperformance.
Get in touch to discussThe research found customers were more likely to stay for a longer period of time if they got free refills (49%), drinks offers and promotions (37%), reward schemes (35%), food options (28%) and a dedicated workspace (24%).
Topping the 2023 list is a cafe called Skinny Dip - all-female founders, beautiful artwork, tasty beverages.
Runner up is Qima Coffee in London - a vertically-integrated coffee and food value proposition focusing on quality and a rethinking of the classics.
Baffle Haus - a combination of coffee shop and motorcycle club placed third.
#4 - Batch Baby in London
#5 - Effy Stores in London
#6 - Formative Coffee
#7 - Fika Norwich - just love their use of figurines and toys as a part of their social media posts.
#8 - Lowdown Coffee
#9 - Carbon Kopi who were originally from New Zealand.
#10 - Souli Food in London.
In a highly-competitive market these were the outlets that stood out and just scanning through the Instagram feeds has made us hungry and dreaming of a creamy, frothy mug of caffeine on this Monday morning.
Coffee by it's nature lends itself to story, theatre and exploration - far more than just a hot liquid in a flimsy paper cup.