The Future in Mind

Every week we have a chat with Alex Searle from Humble Mind (a skills-building community, which is available live on LinkedIn and the Humble Mind platform every Tuesday at 1Pm CEST / 12PM in the UK.

The Future in Mind is a weekly run down of some of the stories that we post on this site, as well as a deeper-dive into these posts with Alex and how these shifts may influence your marketing and brand strategies.

We're on Episode 5 already [the video of the latest show is here] and you can tune-in LIVE (every Tuesday) and post comments and questions on LinkedIn during the show.

As we go we'll also post the videos of these chats on our YouTube channel if you'd like to catch up with these engagements there too.

If you are a marketer or have an influence as to how your brand is designed - then this weekly show is for you.