Questions are now being asked on the future relevance of many industries

What will the future of air travel look like? If, as some have suggested, a vaccine for the coronavirus is not found - what then happens to the airline industry?

This is really a question of trust and our trust in the airline industry to keep people safe ahead of carving out a financial margin. What is interesting here is that the business model of airlines will need to radically change to accommodate more care for customers - something airlines are not well equipped to currently deliver on.

Read more: What Will Air Travel Look Like After the Pandemic? - Slate

Rating agencies have too much unregulated power

Ratings agencies - a monopoly of financial analysts who are given enormous power to decide whether an investment is up to scratch or not.

Their business model is so lucrative, notoriously conservative investor Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway owns 13% of Moody’s and is very happy to do so.

But questions are being asked as to the impartiality of these companies and the power they have to move financial markets and make massive profits as a result.

The South African government has for some time been questioning the world blind trust in these companies, now it seems the blinkers are off and others are asking more questions too.

Read more: Credit-rating agencies are back under the spotlight - The Economist

Fashion designer Vera Wang is 70 years old

The world has an ageing human population, but at the same time - older folk are living longer and healthier 'aged-lives' than ever before.

It was always assumed that at the age of 65 you retire and head off to a retirement home, to play bingo and wait it out until the fateful day of your passing.

But those old assumption are now being questioned - and the very existence of the old-age home is being probed for validity.

Many people who have been forced to 'retire', lead healthier and more productive in their later years than ever before.

Questions are now being asked of the validity of the regulations and assumptions that we still hold about age as well as the industries that supposedly cater for these decrepit old people.  

Read more: Retirement villages have had their day: Baby boomers are rethinking retirement - ABC

Is this the end of the sharing economy?

Companies like AirBNB and Uber hinged on the assumption that people want and need to work in cities, but the coronavirus and remote working experiments have nailed a giant dart of doubt in that assumption.

Getting into a confined vehicle with a stranger, who's health status is unknown, just doesn't have the same ring to it that it did a couple of months ago.

Read more: Rocky road ahead for 'sharing economy' platforms amid pandemic - APF