Pop artist, Dua Lipa, showcases new work from Es Devlin at EMAs
Es Devlin is one of the world's leading 'guides of the imagination'.
If you are a long-term reader of this site you will know that we are massive fans of her work and over the years have watched in eager anticipation for whatever she produces next.
The reason that from a 'futures perspective' I find Es Devlin's work so powerful is because I am intrigued in the way in which her design influences the emotions of an audience. Powerful communication doesn't just carry information from one person to another - powerful communication touches somebody else's soul and embeds a mental shift in another person; it shifts the way they see the world. She is a master in the design of this kind of shift.
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Her latest work was for a pop artist, Dua Lipa, who performed on Sunday at the MTV EMAs with a new track called 'Don't start now'. The set design for the performance was created by Es Devlin - and as a standout piece of music creativity it worked perfectly.
Communication with an audience - be it in the delivering of a keynote address or sharing a company strategy needs to be carefully designed to move an audience. To move them to a place of action, by embedding that message deep within them. That is an art all too often totally overlooked or misunderstood, but one that reaps profound dividends.