#1 most important skill of 2023

Do you know what truly is a modern day skill that everyone should dedicate themselves to developing?

A skill that is often completely overlooked in discussions related to strategy, building organisational resilience and agility.

A skill that increasingly is becoming the #1 reason why an organisation is either able to unlock the next phase of its development; or sadly fade away into insignificance.

What is this magical capability?

The ability to let go, to walk away instantly from an idea or a project - even one that you have held onto, or worked on, for a very long time - is becoming a modern day superpower.

And yes, it's bloody difficult to do, because we get so emotionally attached to the ideas that we choose to believe in and 'our work', that the thought of simply walking away from them is a horrifying in our minds as loosing a loved one.

When change happens around us at the pace at which it is happening now - actively holding onto what we believe to be true right now is like choosing to build a house on quicksand.  

If we keep an open-mind about the change around us and new evidence is brought to our attention that reduces or eliminated the relevance or value of what we were thinking or doing before our enlightenment - then letting go of our attachment to what was - is the very best thing we can do for our future selves.

Stepping away is hard, but what's even more detrimental is continuing to believe in a story that isn't any long true.

The future belongs to those that are able to mentally walk away from a long journey, and start again tomorrow, right back at the beginning, with as much excitement and enthusiasm as if they were doing it for the first time.