L’Occitane Hotel - a pop-up concept that draws from Borderless

If you are going to stand out as a beauty brand amongst the fierce competition for attention and consideration from rivals - you need to do something truly remarkable.

Which is why the French luxury cosmetics house L'Occitane created a stunning projection mapping pop-up event (which they called L'Occitane Hotel) recently in Singapore, that in so many ways looks a lot like the Borderless experience that we went to in Tokyo, Japan.

The pop-up event included immersive projection rooms featuring landscapes corresponding to L'Occitane products, such as the “Almond Forest” in Valensoe and “Immortelle Field” in Corsica. “L’OCCITANE HOTEL” is the brand’s first attempt at incorporating experiential elements into its events.

Visitors enjoy the brand experience for more than 40 minutes

Not wanting to conform to the status quo of how beauty brands usually market themselves in a retail environment, L'Occitane created an immersive experience that had visitors engaged with the brand for more than a reported 40 minutes per session.

Rather than the pop-up being a hard-sell on the products, it allowed visitors to explore, be entertained and walk away with a new mental perception of the brand.

These kinds of digital interactions are never going to be cheap, but the return on investment must have been well worth the cost.

L’Occitane’s Virtual Store

In partnership with Emperia, L'Occitane have also pioneered a new virtual store - combining elements of metaverse-type technology with virtual travel to create yet another dimension through with the brand and its products can be experienced.


Immersive L’OCCITANE Hotel pop up comes to Singapore
French luxury retailer L’OCCITANE Singapore has unveiled its largest and most thematic pop-up event to date, “L’OCCITANE HOTEL” featuring a range of sensory experiences to showcase its popular Almond, Immortelle, and Haircare products.
L’Occitane - Emperia
Check the immersive experience by L’Occitane & Emperia. Want to create your own virtual store? Contact us now!