How to predict if you have found 'the one'.

Every sports team should have a team of consulting futurists.

That's because sport is beset on all sides by uncertainty and probability . That's probably why, very close to a great music documentary - nothing will make us want to leave a mediocre party and head home to watch TV than a great sports documentary.

And right after this year's Super Bowl LV - we found a great one on Tom Brady [the 7 time Super Bowl winning quarterback].

Tom Brady (if you are unaware) is the 43 year old quarter back of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers who won's this year's Super Bowl title.  

Although this NFL film is undoubtedly about football and obviously Tom Brady - it's also about how we determine the future value of something or someone.

The people tasked with selecting players and teams in sport are notoriously biased in the way that they think - it's this legacy bias that in many cases causes teams to never reach their full potential.

Moneyball, originally written by Michael Lewis and starring Brad Pitt - still on Netflix - is also a good film to watch if you are interested in bias and how the way we think leads us into making poor decision about the future.

Even if you know nothing about American Football, this is a film well-worth watching.

It's a pleasure.