How LA28 is keeping the Olympic vibe going

The Olympic Games in Paris have come to an end, but the energy has now been transferred to the nurturing of our collective imaginations as to what LA28 holds in store.

Unusually, the Olympics is an organisation where 'the future' is literally baked into the operating model.

Yes there are historical records kept and we all remember the games that have gone before, but by design the Olympics is ultimately forward-orientated. There is no relying on the glory of past events, only the promise of games that are still to come.

This forward-orientation by design is also a big part of its success. Innovation, creative thinking and a 'bigger-and-better-next-time' attitude is what drives the Olympic brand forward.

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Don't look at the athletes, consider the games

Currently there are no shortages of posts on LinkedIn going on and on about 'what leadership lessons Olympics athletes can give CEOs' [yawn], but the athletes themselves are not where the most valuable case study lies.

Inspiration should rather be drawn from the brilliant design of the Olympic mechanism itself. As a platform how the International Olympic Committee (IOC) is able to draw an audience; create demand from governments, media outlets, athletes, fans and celebrities - all while building much needed social and political capital amongst nations.

This outcome happens as a function of the design of the tournament itself, which in so many ways, is what a lot of businesses should be trying to emulate. Innovation doesn't happen magically because its on a poster in a boardroom somewhere, it emerges as a result of how a system is organised.

The IOC is a nonprofit that generates revenue primarily by selling media right to broadcasters. Those funds are then used to sustain operations, with 90% going back to national Olympic committees, Olympic athletes, and other entities.

So what are we being promised in 2028?

If Paris offered elegance, art and femininity; Los Angeles 2028 will all be about diversity, street culture and scale. And of course there is Hollywood star power and the element of fantasy that this brings to audiences.

Through collaboration and a strong purpose, 'to make the world a better place through sport', the Olympic Games is a highly creative organisation that is focused entirely on what they are aiming to deliver in the future.

Now that the games in Paris are over, it's literally back to square one for the IOC. Every day is 'Day 1' for them, which is exactly as it should be.