[HOT TREND] People are quitting their jobs in droves

Since the start of 2021 an interesting phenomenon has been taking place.

People are quitting their jobs.

They're quitting not to go to another, similar job; they're quitting to either go back to school, move permanently out of the city, or to change their careers entirely.

The pandemic, and its lockdowns, have somehow posed interesting questions to people that have got them questioning their motives and loyalty.

A new three-part PBS docuseries explores the current state of work in the US and also asks good questions around what the future of work may look like.

There is also a handy six-part digital series on YouTube that you can follow - tracking the stories of individuals who are redefining the new world of work for themselves.

Here's episode #1 of the online series:

People are quitting their jobs because they are believing more and more in the alternatives that are now out there.

None of the alternatives are easy by any means, but they offer people the agency and self-determination that this age demands. It's like a new age of exploration begging to be explored.


New PBS series lifts the lid on the way we work — and what could be coming next
A new three-part PBS docuseries airing Wednesday at 10 p.m., “Future of Work,” explores the neverending impact of automation threatening traditional manual jobs and redefining the American dream.…