Eskort refreshes its image - looks to the future

The processed pork industry in South Africa has had an incredibly challenging time over the past couple of years.

The listeriosis crisis had a devastating impact on many of the best known brands - so needless to say, there have been some honest conversations with suppliers and lots of discussions as to how to revive the brands now that the problem has passed.

Eskort is one of South Africa's best known brands who are now looking towards the future and have started off with a nice new rebrand and a couple of new ads.

'Eskort, the 103-year-old South African brand with an enviable reputation for quality, has partnered with MetropolitanRepublic to refresh its corporate identity and launch a new creative platform with an exciting campaign that walks and talks like a truly iconic South African brand.

This moment in the brand’s life cycle is a reflection of its intention to solidify its rightful position in the hearts and minds of South African consumers.

To this end, the refreshed corporate identity builds onto an already iconic logo by presenting a newly developed typeface and iconography that speaks to the textures of our country.

The new creative platform ‘It’s Eskort’ becomes how the current payoff line ‘Life’s Delicious’ comes to life in a way the consumer can touch and feel, helping Eskort cement its household name status among certain consumer segments and grow awareness for its best taste and safety reputation.

Taking this new corporate identity and positioning to market is a 360° campaign that’s dominated by television and digital because they both offer high reach nationally, build reach fast versus other media platforms, and offer the ability to use and leverage similar content.

The personality of the television campaign, which sees two executions launching in November and one in January, is inclusive, optimistic, innovative and resourceful. Their tone is local, loud, proud and humorous.'

Here are the two new ads; I have to say the 'It's no ordinary polony' execution is my favourite here, so brilliantly acted and directed.

This version reminding me of an old iconic Cremora ad from the 80's.

Food brands that have endured a crisis are tasked primarily to rebuild trust with consumers. It's a tricky thing to achieve because rumours can easily circulate and get the better of you.

If history is anything to go by (considering similar cases like Tylenol and that time Coca Cola made a terrible strategic blunder), strong brands do eventually bounce back, but only if they dedicate themselves to full transparency and accountability