An epidemic of 'best practice'

These days, it feels like everyone is following what is commonly referred to as 'best practice'.

'Best practice' at its core, is essentially a conscious choice to opt for the status quo.

It's the recognised well-trodden path; devoid of unnecessary risk, mystery, chance or uncertainty.

When you don't have the appetite to try something fresh and new and innovative - you opt out and select 'best practice'.

I'm reminded of this, because BMW have now chosen to recreate their old advertising hit from 2001 (back then it was called The Hire) in a 'new' film called The Calm.

It was a hit in 2001, chances are good that it'll hit the mark yet again in 2023. Best practice is a sure thing, it's a guarantee.

It's not that the film itself isn't well-made or creative, but because it's a risk-free choice borrowed from 2001 - it also dates the brand back to its heyday of pushing things forward.

Best practice is safe, but also unremarkable; and in a world where everything is devoid of risk, wildly fresh becomes far more valuable.